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To more easily test pyatv, the atvremote application can be used. It is bundled with pyatv and supports all the functionality implemented by the library. So it is also a good place to go to for inspiration when implementing your own application.

Set up a device with wizard

The atvremote command exposes more or less all functionality of pyatv, thus making it great for exploring what pyatv can do. Version 0.14.0 introduced a wizard to simplify setting up a new device (in case you don’t care about the details). It will scan for devices and guide you through all the required steps and save credentials to a file, so you don’t have to care about them ever again.

To get going, just run atvremote wizard:

$ atvremote wizard
Looking for devices...
Found the following devices:
    Name                      Model                    Address
--  ------------------------  -----------------------  -----------
 1  Receiver+                 airupnp        
 2  Receiver                  RX-V773        
 3  Pierre's AirPort Express  AirPort Express (gen 2)
 4  FakeATV                   Unknown        
 5  Vardagsrum                Apple TV 4K    
 6  Apple TV                  Apple TV 3     
Enter index of device to set up (q to quit): 4
Starting to set up FakeATV
Starting to pair Protocol.MRP
Enter PIN on screen: 1111
Successfully paired Protocol.MRP, moving on...
Pairing finished, trying to connect and get some metadata...
Currently playing:
  Media type: Music
Device state: Playing
       Title: Never Gonna Give You Up
      Artist: Rick Astley
    Position: 1/213s (0.0%)
      Repeat: Off
     Shuffle: Off
Device is now set up!

Here the device named FakeATV with IP address is set up. From now on you can just run atvremote -s <command> or atvremote -n FakeATV <command> to interact with it. Skip down to Working with commands to see what you can do.

Discovering devices

To find devices, use the scan command:

$ atvremote scan
        Name: Living Room
    Model/SW: 4K tvOS 13.3.1 build 17K795
        MAC: AA:BB:CC:DD:EE:FF
    Deep Sleep: False
    - 01234567-89AB-CDEF-0123-4567890ABCDE
    - 00:11:22:33:44:55
    - Protocol: Companion, Port: 49153, Credentials: None
    - Protocol: MRP, Port: 49152, Credentials: None
    - Protocol: AirPlay, Port: 7000, Credentials: None

        Name: Kitchen
    Model/SW: 3 ATV SW
    - Protocol: AirPlay, Port: 7000, Credentials: None
    - Protocol: DMAP, Port: 3689, Credentials: 00000000-1111-2222-3333-444455556666

In this case two devices were found, one named Living Room and another named Kitchen. You can read more about what everything means under Concepts.

Discovering specific devices

A normal scan uses multicast to discover all devices on the network. It is possible to scan for specific devices (“unicast”) by specifying --scan-hosts:

$ atvremote --scan-hosts scan
        Name: Living Room
    Model/SW: 4K tvOS 13.3.1 build 17K795
        MAC: AA:BB:CC:DD:EE:FF
    Deep Sleep: False
    - 01234567-89AB-CDEF-0123-4567890ABCDE
    - 00:11:22:33:44:55
    - Protocol: MRP, Port: 49152, Credentials: None
    - Protocol: AirPlay, Port: 7000, Credentials: None

This yields the same result, but is much faster as it only has to wait for response from one device. Downside is of course that it cannot automatically find devices, you must know the IP-address. Multiple devices can be specified as a comma-separated list:

$ atvremote --scan-hosts, scan

If you have problems using regular scanning or have configured a static address on your Apple TV, this is the recommended way of finding your devices. Please do note that you should not manually specify address, port, etc. when using this method. It is not necessary.

The --scan-hosts flag can be used with any other command as well:

$ atvremote --scan-hosts -n Kitchen <some command>

Discovering specific protocols

By default, pyatv will scan for all protocols supported by a device. It is however possible to be more specific about which protocols to scan for with --scan-protocols:

$  atvremote --scan-protocols mrp scan
Scan Results
       Name: Vardagsrum
   Model/SW: Gen4K tvOS 14.x build 18L569
        MAC: AA:BB:CC:DD:EE:FF
 Deep Sleep: False
 - 01234567-89AB-CDEF-0123-4567890ABCDE
 - Protocol: MRP, Port: 49153, Credentials: None

Only the specified protocols are scanned for. Multiple protocols can be specified as a comma-separated list:

$ atvremote --scan-protocols mrp,raop,companion scan

Specifying a device

In order for atvremote to know which device you want to control, you must specify the --id flag (or -i for short) together with an identifier. You may choose any of the available identifiers.

Based on the output in the previous chapter, you may write:

$ atvremote -i 00:11:22:33:44:54 <some command>

But this would also work equally good:

$ atvremote -i 01234567-89AB-CDEF-0123-4567890ABCDE <some command>

It is also possible to use the device name by specifying -n instead:

$ atvremote -n "Living Room" <some command>

Manually specifying a device

Unless you know exactly what you are doing, just ignore this section.

It is possible to bypass the automatic scanning that atvremote performs by passing the --manual flag. This is convenient if you rely on an external scanning process or to shorten the turn-around time during development testing. However, doing so means that you mainly lose all benefits of unique identifiers. They lose meaning completely. Only use this mode if you know what you are doing and refrain from using this in conjunction with --scan-hosts!

When specifying --manual you must also specify --address, --port, --protocol and --id. Even though the identifier is not used (or applicable), you must still specify something. A simple call example looks like this:

$ atvremote --manual --address --port 49152 --protocol mrp --id test playing

For testing purposes, it’s possible to specify custom MDNS properties using --service-properties. This might be useful to tinker with certain flags that alter protocol behavior. The format looks like this:


Where X is any character not present in a variable name or value. A typical example might use : or , like this:


An example call to atvremote might look like this:

$ atvremote --id "aa:bb:cc:dd:ee:ff" --address --port 7000 --manual --protocol raop --service-properties :features=0x4A7FCA00,0xBC354BD0 --debug stream_file=never_gonna_give_you_up.mp3

Pairing with a device

In most cases you have to pair with a device and obtain credentials in order to communicate with it. To pair you must specify a device, which protocol to pair and use the pair command:

$ atvremote --id 00:11:22:33:44:55 --protocol mrp pair
Enter PIN on screen: 1234
Pairing seems to have succeeded, yey!
You may now use these credentials: xxxx

What protocols a device supports can be seen with scan. Generally you should pair all protocols the device supports (beware of protocols marked with Disabled: ignore those). Just repeat the process multiple times, just changing the protocol (airplay, companion, dmap, mrp or raop).

Note: atvremote will automatically store credentials after paring, meaning you do not have to manually specify them as described in the sections below anymore. See Storage and Settings for more details.


Once you have paired and received credentials, you may provide said credentials to atvremote via the --xxx-credentials flags. Replace xxx with a protocol, e.g. mrp, dmap or airplay. You may specify multiple credentials:

$ atvremote -n Kitchen --mrp-credentials abcd --airplay-credentials 1234 playing

Manually specifying credentials is no longer needed as atvrmote stores credentials persistently in a file.


The raop protocol optionally requires a password. You may specify a password using the raop-password flag.

atvremote --id 00:11:22:33:44:55 --raop-password mypassword stream_file=mymusicfile.mp3

Push updates

With atvremote you can use push_updates to display current play status automatically without having to ask the device for it:

$ atvremote -n Kitchen push_updates
Press ENTER to stop
    Media type: Unknown
Device state: Paused

Updates will be displayed when they happen. Just press ENTER to stop.

Storage and Settings

By default, atvremote uses file based storage (storage.file_storage.FileStorage) and saves settings and credentials automatically to $HOME/.pyatv.conf. This means that you don’t have to manually provide things like credentials and passwords once they have been saved to storage.

Credentials are saved to the storage automatically after pairing a protocol, i.e. you only need to pair a protocol once and never care about credentials for that protocol again. Passwords are saved to storage as well when using one of the --xxx-password arguments, thus only needs to be issued once.

Both credentials and passwords will be displayed when performing a scan:

$ atvremote scan
       Name: Pierre's AirPort Express
   Model/SW: AirPort Express (gen 2), AirPortOS 7.8.1
        MAC: XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX
 Deep Sleep: False
 - Protocol: AirPlay, Port: 7000, Credentials: creds_airplay, Requires Password: False, Password: airplay_password, Pairing: NotNeeded
 - Protocol: RAOP, Port: 7000, Credentials: creds_raop, Requires Password: False, Password: raop_password, Pairing: NotNeeded

You may also look at the settings for a specific device using print_settings:

$ atvremote -s print_settings = pyatv (str)
info.mac = 02:70:79:61:74:76 (str)
info.model = iPhone10,6 (str)
info.device_id = FF:70:79:61:74:76 (str)
info.os_name = iPhone OS (str)
info.os_build = 18G82 (str)
info.os_version = 14.7.1 (str)
protocols.airplay.identifier = 58:D3:49:34:A4:B4 (str, NoneType)
protocols.airplay.credentials = None (str, NoneType)
protocols.airplay.password = None (str, NoneType)
protocols.companion.identifier = None (str, NoneType)
protocols.companion.credentials = None (str, NoneType)
protocols.dmap.identifier = None (str, NoneType)
protocols.dmap.credentials = None (str, NoneType)
protocols.mrp.identifier = None (str, NoneType)
protocols.mrp.credentials = None (str, NoneType)
protocols.raop.identifier = 58D34934A4B4 (str, NoneType)
protocols.raop.credentials = None (str, NoneType)
protocols.raop.password = None (str, NoneType)

Please note that output may vary depending on the version of pyatv you are using. The output is agnostic to the underlying storage, i.e. the format will look the same no matter what storage is used. The following sections describes how to work with settings in more detail.

Configuring Storage Module

If you want to change location of your storage, use --storage-filename and specify another file. It is also possible to disable file based storage altogether with --storage none (corresponding to how atvremote worked before storage support was added).

At some point pyatv will likely support using custom storage modules as well, but that is currently not supported.

Importing Existing Settings

In case you want to “import” credentials you already have, just run atvremote with those credentials and they will be saved to storage automatically. For example, running:

$ atvrmote -s <ip> --airplay-credentials xxx playing

Would save AirPlay credentials. The same thing can be done with passwords as well:

$ atvrmote -s <ip> --raop-password foobar playing

Would save RAOP password to storage. If you want to unset/remote credentials or password, just pass an empty string:

$ atvrmote -s <ip> --raop-password "" playing

Changing Individual Settings

To save individual settings, there is a command named change_setting. It accepts a “path” to the setting in the same format as printed by print_setting. Assume you want to change the OS build, look at the output for that setting:

info.os_build = 18G82 (str)

The “path” to this setting is info.os_build and it accepts a string (str) as value type. To change this setting, run:

$ atvremote -s change_setting=info.os_build,19G82

If a setting lists NoneType as supported type, you can unset the value like this:

$ atvremote -s unset_setting=protocols.raop.password

As atvremote tries to interpolate the correct data type of input (e.g. it will try to interpret “1” as an integer), you might end up with issues if a setting expects a number as a string. One example is this:

protocols.raop.protocol_version = auto (AirPlayVersion)

AirPlayVersion can be either auto, 1 or 2. Trying to change to 1 yields an error:

$ atvremote -s change_setting=protocols.raop.protocol_version,1
Traceback (most recent call last):
  Input should be a valid string [type=string_type, input_value=1, input_type=int]
    For further information visit

It expects a string but atvremote automatically converts 1 to an integer. To circumvent this, you can force an argument to be treated as a string like this:

$ atvremote -s 'change_setting=protocols.raop.protocol_version,"1"'

Removing Settings

To remove all settings for a device (reverting to defaults), run:

$ atvrmote -s <ip> remove_settings

Please beware that you lose everything saved for that device, including credentials and passwords!

Working with commands

List supported commands:

$ atvremote commands
Remote control commands:
- down - Press key down
- home - Press key home
- home_hold - Hold key home
- left - Press key left
- menu - Press key menu
- next - Press key next
- pause - Press key play
- play - Press key play
- play_pause - Toggle between play and pause

If you want additional help for a specific command, use help:

$ atvremote help pair
>> pair(self)

Pair pyatv as a remote control with an Apple TV.

Multiple commands can be specified a the same time and there’s also a delay that sleeps a certain amount of milliseconds before next command is executed. Here’s an example where select is pressed, followed by left after waiting a second:

$ atvremote --id 00:11:22:33:44:54 select delay=1000 left

Play Status

Get what is currently playing with playing:

$ atvremote --id 00:11:22:33:44:54 playing
    Media type: Music
Device state: Playing
    Position: 0/397s (0.0%)
        Repeat: Off
        Shuffle: False

Artwork with a specific size (width,height):

$ atvremote --id 00:11:22:33:44:54 artwork_save=300,-1

Using -1 will let the device decide that parameter in order to keep aspect ratio.

Remote Control

Navigation and playback control:

$ atvremote --id 00:11:22:33:44:54 left
$ atvremote --id 00:11:22:33:44:54 menu
$ atvremote --id 00:11:22:33:44:54 play

Seek in the currently playing media:

$ atvremote --id 00:11:22:33:44:54 set_position=123

Device Information

Check operating system version:

$ atvremote --id 00:11:22:33:44:54 version

Or all device information (same as seen with atvremote scan):

$ atvremote --id 00:11:22:33:44:54 device_info
Model/SW: 4K tvOS 13.3.1 build 17K795
        MAC: 00:11:22:33:44:55

Supported Features

$ atvremote -n Vardagsrum -s features
Feature list:
Up: Available
Down: Available
Left: Available
Right: Available

Available: Supported by device and usable now
Unavailable: Supported by device but not usable now
Unknown: Supported by the device but availability not known
Unsupported: Not supported by this device (or by pyatv)


Show app currently playing something:

$ atvremote --id 00:11:22:33:44:54 app
App: Musik (

List installed apps:

$ atvremote --id 00:11:22:33:44:54 --companion-credentials `cat companion_credentials` app_list
App: Podcaster (, App: Filmer (, App: TV (, App: Bilder (, App: App Store (, App: C More (se.cmore.CMore2), App: Arcade (, App: Sök (, App: Emby (, App: TV4 Play (se.tv4.tv4play), App: Datorer (, App: YouTube (, App: Test (in.staahl.TvOS), App: SVT Play (se.svtplay.mobil), App: Plex (com.plexapp.plex), App: Viafree (, App: Inställningar (, App: Apple Events (, App: discovery+ (, App: Netflix (, App: Viaplay (se.harbourfront.viasatondemand), App: Musik (

Launching an app:

$ atvremote -s --companion-credentials `cat companion_credentials`


Play a video via AirPlay:

$ atvremote --id 00:11:22:33:44:54 play_url=

Stream an audio file via AirPlay (RAOP):

$ atvremote --id 00:11:22:33:44:54 stream_file=sample.mp3

Stream audio from another process (ffmpeg in this case):

ffmpeg -i sample.wav -f mp3 - | atvremote -s --debug set_volume=80 stream_file=-

Power management

You can turn your Apple TV on:

$ atvremote -i 00:11:22:33:44:54 turn_on

Or turn it off:

$ atvremote -i 00:11:22:33:44:54 turn_off

Or check the current power state:

$ atvremote -i 00:11:22:33:44:54 power_state

Output devices

Show current output devices:

$ atvremote --id 00:11:22:33:44:54 --airplay-credentials `cat airplay_credentials` output_devices

Only the AirPlay leader device returns the list of output devices, other connected AirPlay devices will return an empty list.

Add output devices:

$ atvremote --id 00:11:22:33:44:54 --airplay-credentials `cat airplay_credentials` add_output_devices=FFFFFFFF-GGGG-HHHH-IIII-JJJJJJJJJJJJ,KK:LL:MM:NN:OO:PP

Remove output devices:

$ atvremote --id 00:11:22:33:44:54 --airplay-credentials `cat airplay_credentials` remove_output_devices=AAAAAAAA-BBBB-CCCC-DDDD-EEEEEEEEEEEE,FFFFFFFF-GGGG-HHHH-IIII-JJJJJJJJJJJJ

Set output devices:

$ atvremote --id 00:11:22:33:44:54 --airplay-credentials `cat airplay_credentials` 

To discover device IDs to use with these commands, add the devices through the iOS UI, then use the output_devices command.

Logging and debugging

You can enable additional debugging information by specifying either --verbose or --debug. See Logging for additional log options.

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