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In case you need to troubleshoot something, you can enable additional log points in pyatv. This page describes how you do that.

Log points

To enable full logging, use this:

    datefmt="%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S",
    format="%(asctime)s %(levelname)s [%(name)s]: %(message)s",

This output format is preferred as it is compatible with atvlog and contains the most useful information.

In case you need to troubleshoot MDNS/Zeroconf traffic, use this:

).level = logging.TRAFFIC  # pylint: disable=no-member

NOTE: This section is WIP for now as most interesting log points are internal. In the future, a log module will be added to simplify enabling log points.

Bundled scripts

You can enable additional debugging information by specifying either --verbose or --debug..

Output line cropping

By default pyatv will limit some log points in length, mainly due to an excessive amount of data might be logged otherwise. This mainly applies to binary data (raw protocol data) and protobuf messages. These limits can be overridden by setting the following environment variables:

$ atvremote --debug ... playing

In general, you shouldn’t have to change these, but under some cicrumstances the complete logs might be deseriable.

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