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It is possible to interact with the Apple TV virtual keyboard via the Keyboard interface. To use this interface, the Companion protocol must be available.

Using the Keyboard API

After connecting to a device, you get the keyboard interface via interface.AppleTV.keyboard:

atv = await pyatv.connect(config, ...)
keyboard = atv.keyboard

To check whether the virtual keyboard is focused and active, use interface.Keyboard.text_focus_state:

print("Keyboard focus state:", keyboard.text_focus_state)

To fetch the current virtual keyboard text content, use interface.Keyboard.text_get:

print("Keyboard text:", await keyboard.text_get())

To set (replace) the virtual keyboard text, use interface.Keyboard.text_set:

await keyboard.text_set("text to set")

To append to the virtual keyboard text, use interface.Keyboard.text_append:

await keyboard.text_append("text to append")

Finally, to clear the virtual keyboard text, use interface.Keyboard.text_clear:

await keyboard.text_clear()

The keyboard API supports push updates via a listener, as described here.

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