Start | Getting Started | Tutorial | Supported Features | Concepts | Protocols | atvremote | atvproxy | atvscript | atvlog

:raising_hand: Table of Contents

Getting Started

Here is the jumpstart guide to get going fast!


pip3 install pyatv

See Installing pyatv for more alternatives.

Using atvremote

An application called atvremote is shipped with pyatv that allows you to test the library without writing any code. If you just want a simple way to control a device, this is the way to go.

To set up a device, you either use the “wizard” that will guide you through setting up a new device or manually perform all steps. The wizard is still in beta stage, but still recommended as it is easier to use.

Just run atvremote wizard, pick a device from the list and follow the steps:

$ atvremote wizard
Looking for devices...
Found the following devices:
    Name                      Model                    Address
--  ------------------------  -----------------------  -----------
 1  Vardagsrum                Apple TV 4K    
 2  Receiver                  RX-V773        
 3  Pierre's AirPort Express  AirPort Express (gen 2)
 4  Apple TV                  Apple TV 3     
 5  Office                    HomePod Mini   
Enter index of device to set up (q to quit): 5
Starting to set up Office
Ignoring AirPlay since pairing is not needed
Ignoring RAOP since pairing is not needed
Pairing finished, trying to connect and get some metadata...
Currently playing:
  Media type: Unknown
Device state: Idle
      Repeat: Off
     Shuffle: Off
Device is now set up!

You might have to enter PIN codes a few times. As long as you get Device is now set up!, you are ready to go and can move on to Controlling.

Method 2: Manual

Finding a device

Use scan to find devices:

$ atvremote scan
       Name: Vardagsrum
   Model/SW: Apple TV 4K, tvOS 16.6 build 20M73
        MAC: 00:11:22:33:44:55
 Deep Sleep: True
 - 01234567-89AB-CDEF-0123-4567890ABCDE
 - 00:11:22:33:44:55
 - 11223344-5566-7788-9900-112233445566
 - 001122334455

 - Protocol: Companion, Port: 49153, Credentials: None, Requires Password: False, Password: None, Pairing: Mandatory
 - Protocol: AirPlay, Port: 7000, Credentials: None, Requires Password: False, Password: None, Pairing: Mandatory
 - Protocol: MRP, Port: 49154, Credentials: None, Requires Password: False, Password: None, Pairing: NotNeeded (Disabled)
 - Protocol: RAOP, Port: 7000, Credentials: None, Requires Password: False, Password: None, Pairing: Mandatory

Each device is identified by one or more unique identifiers. You can pick any of them and pass to --id or use its name with -n:

$ atvremote --id 00:11:22:33:44:55 ...
$ atvremote -n "Living Room" ...

This device supports four services: Companion, AirPlay MRP and RAOP. Each service (or protocol) provides a certain set of features, e.g. AirPlay might provide metadata and playback controls, Companion allows app launching and RAOP audio streaming. In reality, you should not care about that. Just make sure you pair all protocols and let pyatv figure out what each protocol supports, that will provide you with as much functionality as possible.

The pairing process is described in the next section. Please note that MRP is marked as Disabled (at the end of the line), meaning it can not be paired (simply ignore it).

Pairing process

Pairing with AirPlay:

$ atvremote --id 00:11:22:33:44:54 --protocol airplay pair
Enter PIN on screen: 1234
Pairing seems to have succeeded, yey!
You may now use these credentials: 1650c36b816812561ee1a2ce55441c4d59aeee8287d3d0b90ad41e221c2ccc9b:eb6d47687f82327501d26e77bc3ee8b752034ad397c80cba37d91132717a1721:61383462633431372d383336362d346464632d386533622d333964356265303932663132:39376263616162332d356330652d343136362d623634302d326438656135616161636237

Repeat the process for each protocol found when scanning (i.e. --protocol airplay, --protocol companion and --protocol raop). As of pyatv 0.14.0, file based storage is used for credentials meaning credentials will automatically be saved to file and loaded when needed. Once you have paired a protocol, you don’t have to care about credentials anymore. For more details about storage and settings, see this section in the atvremote documentation.

Providing Credentials

Unless you know what you are doing, you can safely ignore this section (no longer needed).

As of pyatv 0.14.0, manually providing credentials is no longer needed as they will be loaded from file storage after pairing. Support for manually loading credentials is however still supported via the ---xxx-credentials arguments. Credentials provided via these arguments will be written to active storage (effectively overwriting whatever credentials are previously stored): beware!

An example of manually specifying credentials looks like this:

atvremote --id 00:11:22:33:44:54 --airplay-credentials xxxx ...

Verifying Credentials and Passwords (optional)

If you want to verify what credentials and passwords are saved for a particular device, use the print_settings command:

$ atvremote --id 00:11:22:33:44:54 print_settings
  "info": {
    "name": "pyatv",
    "mac": "02:70:79:61:74:76",
    "model": "iPhone10,6",
    "os_name": "iPhone OS",
    "os_build": "18G82",
    "os_version": "14.7.1"
  "protocols": {
    "airplay": {
      "identifier": "XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX",
      "credentials": "airplay_creds",
      "password": "airplay_password"
    "companion": {
      "identifier": null,
      "credentials": null
    "dmap": {
      "identifier": null,
      "credentials": null
    "mrp": {
      "identifier": null,
      "credentials": null
    "raop": {
      "identifier": "XXXXXXXXXXXX",
      "credentials": "raop_credentials",
      "password": "raop_password"


Once you have paired, you can start controlling the device and ask for status:

$ atvremote --id 00:11:22:33:44:54  playing
Media type: Unknown
Play state: Paused
$ atvremote --id ... play

To see all supported commands, pass commands as last argument. More detailed instructions can be found att the atvremote page.

Writing code

A simple example that connects to a device and prints what is currently playing looks like this:

import sys
import asyncio
import pyatv

async def print_what_is_playing(loop):
    """Find a device and print what is playing."""
    print("Discovering devices on network...")
    atvs = await pyatv.scan(loop)

    if not atvs:
        print("No device found", file=sys.stderr)

    config = atvs[0]

    print(f"Connecting to {config.address}")
    atv = await pyatv.connect(config, loop)

        print(await atv.metadata.playing())
        atv.close()  # Do not forget to close

if __name__ == "__main__":
    event_loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()

You can find this example under examples/

What’s next?

It is recommended that you read the Documentation section to get a better grasp of how pyatv works. Then continue with Development once you are ready to write some code. Next is however a tutorial you can follow if you want to try out creating a simple application!

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