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It is possible to get metadata, i.e. what is playing, using two different methods:

Polling metadata from the device works very similar to the remote control API, but one asynchronous call will return an object containing all metadata. This is to lower the amount of device calls needed. Artwork is retrieved separately.

When using push updates, new updates are pushed from the Apple TV when something of interest happens. The exact same data that is available when polling, is passed to a callback provided by the API user.

Push updates are described further in the Listeners section.

Currently playing

To retrieve what is currently playing, use the asynchronous playing method:

playing = await atv.metadata.playing()

You can easily extract fields like title, album or media type. See interface.Playing.

Support by protocol (assuming app sets metadata correctly):


To retrieve the artwork, use the asynchronous artwork method:

artwork = await atv.metadata.artwork()

This will return an interface.ArtworkInfo, containing the image bytes, mimetype and dimensions. If no artwork is available, None is returned instead. If dimensions could not be determined by the device, width and height will be set to -1.

It is also possible to request artwork with a particular size by passing width and height:

artwork = await atv.metadata.artwork(width=300, height=200)

Do note that this is the desired size and the device might return artwork with another size, e.g. to keep aspect ratio or if specified size it not available. You can pass None as one of the arguments to let the device maintain aspect ratio of the image.

Remember that the artwork is relatively large, so you should try to minimize this call. More information is available at interface.Metadata.artwork. Internally, a small cache is used for the last few requested artworks. The size of this cache is not yet configurable and you should write a feature request if you need to change it.

Device identifier

The concept of unique identifiers was discussed in the concepts section. You can retrieve one of the identifiers via this property:

identifier = atv.metadata.device_id


To simplify detection if content has changed between retrieval of what is currently playing, a unique hash can be generated. It is a SHA256 hash based on the following data:

These properties has been selected as they are in general unique for the same content. No guarantee is however given that the same hash is not given for different content nor the same content. It can be used as a fair guess.

playing = await atv.metadata.playing()
...  # Some time later
playing2 = await atv.metadata.playing()
if playing2.hash != playing.hash:
    print('Content has changed')

Active App

Is is possible to get information about the app that is currently playing something via

app =
print("Identifier:", app.identifier)

It conforms to the interface.App interface.

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